Sunday, March 22, 2009

trips to goshen

so, anytime i come out to goshen, va to work at rockbridge i travel through beckley, west virginia. beckley, wv is best known to many of us for tamarack, or the best of west virginia. now for all you young life people, tamarack is not the service plaza right off of i64 that has the most expensive, worst fast food ever. tamarack is behind the service center, its got the giant ugly red roof.

tamarack is unique in several ways:
1. west virginia has decided it is okay to advertise for this joint as soon you enter into wv, even if you are two hours away
2. in all of west virginia, apparently there is nothing better than tamarack, they claim they are the best of west virginia. can this really be true?
3. the two times i have gone, i see nothing but old people there. its like bingo hall on tuesday nights.
4. the display of crafts, while some are impressive, is lame. its like the quilt sale your church has ever year and you hate when when your mom and aunt drag you along.
5. they claim to have an greenbrier hotel-trained chef, who needs a top quality chef when you got sbarros pizza 100 feet away?
6. lets be honest, the roof? really?
7. they now have a conference center, i am waiting until crock has a regional weekend there, man that would be loads of fun. (maybe even a fall weekend, kids could have war games in the parking lot dodging semis).
8. i pray that the gates of heaven resemble tamarack.

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